You can connect with Terry and the AMALIE® Motor Oil XTERMIGATOR® Top Fuel team. Pick any or all of your favorite Social Networks.
Here’s how we use our Social Streams to stay connected:
We mainly use Twitter for race weekend updates. If you follow Terry on Twitter you’ll find out what happened to the car during qualifications and eliminations within minutes of when it happens. So, if you’re wanting to be surprised about what happened at the race when you tune into FOX Sports and FOX Sports 1 – you probably shouldn’t follow us on Twitter.
Facebook is where you’ll find the most interaction from Terry. He strives to spend time each day checking in on Facebook. Even when he doesn’t have time to personally respond to, folks, someone from the PR team monitors the page and asks Terry how he wants to respond to certain items. Facebook is also where we’ll upload photos from the event. We’re always looking for fans, friends and family to tag the team in photos too. You never know when Terry might decide to give-away something on Facebook.
Never Underestimate the value of a powerful photograph. We’ll share behind the scene photos on Instagram and then share it on a variety of social networking services including Facebook and Twitter. Also watch for fun contests around our Instagram account.